Seven childhood friends with a history and shared experiences from their past, meet for dinner to see together a rare lunar eclipse. This bourgeois...
Perfect Strangers
David is a sensitive, creative boy who lives in Dimona with his father and MS sick mother. He discovers an online writing forum and publishes stories...
Sand Flakes
Through the eyes of the scientist in charge of the operation, we see the events leading to Israel developing her nuclear option in the 1960's.
Operation Sunflower
The film is set in the near future, and it looks back on how peace was made in 2013 between Israel and Palestine. It is the story of two businessmen...
Under the Same Sun
An intelligent social issues drama, Manpower sketches a portrait of four men in crisis. Moving between scathing realism and subtle irony, the film...
A Comic drama that tells the story of the Geva family - a bourgeois family from Jerusalem. When the mother of the family, Ora, goes into a coma after...
Hill Start
Beni and Reuven, childhood friends and brothers-in-law, work together as TV technicians. They are called for a simple repair job in a place they find...
Cat's Luck
An Israeli counterterrorism soldier with a secretly fabulous ambition to become a Manhattan hairstylist. Zohan's desire runs so deep that he'll do...
You Don't Mess with the Zohan
Two girls from nuclear towns in Israel and Iran spill their countries most valuable secrets on Facebook while trying to prevent a nuclear crisis.
Atomic Falafel
Sometimes you wish for things you can't handle.