The true story behind the iconic Selamat Hari Raya song written in 1958, by P. Ramlee and Jamil Sulong during a variety show which they had organised...
Showtime 1958
A vampire ghost named Ana is determined to find her biological father / her mother's killer all the way to the human world. He disguised himself as a...
Ana Ponti
The short film is an adaptation of Ninot Aziz’s Kirana: Dream After the Rose, which centres on Tun Fatimah, the last queen of Melaka. The...
Tun Fatimah: The Rebel Queen
Butak is a mischievous young boy who lives with his grandparents in a village. He often makes people around him angry by his mischievous behaviours....
Telefilm Dodol Dodol Cinta starring Fimie Don, Ardell Aryana Seksi, Harris Alif, Yna Rose.
Dodol Dodol Cinta