During a brutal Japanese offensive, a skirmish leaves only a handful of children and a few soldiers to carry an important command west along the...
The Meridian of War
Xiao Feng in Battle of Chenzhuang
Battlefield Orchid
A Born Coward
Xu Haidong in Battle of Chendian
Korean War, winter 1950. In the frozen and snowy area of Changjin Lake, a bloody battle is about to begin between the elite troops of the United...
The Battle at Lake Changjin
The year is 1927 and the Alliance moves triumphantly from victory to victory in an epic and bloody civil war campaign against the uprisings of brutal...
Axis of War: The First of August
Army March to Tongdao
Rooster-Fighting In The Royal Court
Feng Menglong was a Chinese historian, novelist, and poet of the late Ming Dynasty. The film tells the story of his legendary move from Suzhou to to...
Feng Menglong's Legend