Well Ammayilu Abbayilu is just that and more. The story revolves around Vara Prasad( Vijay Sai) a four foot something midget with a repulsive nasal...
Ammayilu Abbayilu
The story revolves around a haunted farmhouse Mantra Nilayam, which is owned by Mantra (Charmi). She tries to sell the house but due to mysterious...
VPPP is a low-budget flick that extracts life out of you and leaves you sobbing.
Vara Prasad And Potti Prasad
Andari Bandhuvaya is a sincere attempt to highlight the importance of human values in today's society. Movie shows two types of environments starts...
Andari Bandhuvaya
Chukkalanti Ammayi Chakkanaina Abbayi is a 2013 Indian Telugu-language family drama film directed by Kanmani. It stars Tarun and Vimala Raman in the...
Chukkalanti Ammayi Chakkanaina Abbayi
A man who loves his father dearly and protects him from all dangers is shocked to realize certain things that don't seem to be what they are.
Om 3D