In this poignant drama set in the aftermath of India's decision to decriminalize same-sex relationships, Satya, a young man from a small town, falls...
Satya: The Truth
Doordarshan Eti Jantra is a 2016 Assamese language period drama film film directed by Rajesh Bhuyan and produced by Sanjiv Narain under the banner of...
Doordarshan Eti Jantra
A romantic comedy film directed Rajesh Bhuyan, starring Nayan Nilim in the lead role.
Konwarpurar Konwar
Jonaki Mon is a Assamese movie. it is fully family drama, directed by Rajesh Bhuyan
Jonaki Mon
A young boy Ankit from a middle-class family who stays in Manali with his parents falls in love with Pooja, a girl from a rich powerful family. Then...
Directed by Rajesh Jashpal. With Zubeen Garg, Parineeta Borthakur, Lipika Borah, Dinesh Das.
The Underworld
Assamese film starring Utpal Das and Rimpi Das
Uroniya Mon
Assamese film
Ringa Ringa Mon