An unconventional day in Nicola’s life, which begins at the eye doctor’s and takes him around the city, his eye bandaged like a...
A Day in the Life
Sasha is a 25-year-old orphan who asks Nicole, a married Frenchwoman in her forties, for advice to seduce Benedetta, his long-unrequited love. The...
Tell Me About Love
Jessica is a quiet and somewhat solitary teenager who lives in her own world, a kind of wonderland where her imagination travels freely, allowing her...
United by an uncompromising struggle as members of the infamous 1970s far-left terrorist group Prima Linea, fugitive couple Sergio and Susanna have...
The Front Line
Russian front, January, 1943. It's hell: the flurries of sleet take the breath away and Sergeant Bisi can make out nothing in the landscape in front...
The Other Way
Tutta colpa della musica
Simone, a clumsy financier, falls in love with Claudia, who’s living on her grandma’s retirement checks. When the old lady dies Claudia...
Put Grandma in the Freezer
Cosmic Girl
Bolgia totale
A painter from Turin, Stefano Faenza, arrives in Reggio Calabria on the occasion of a personal exhibition organized in his honor in Locride. Behind...
Tornare indietro