Dawn Goldie is a painter who seemingly has the perfect life. Thriving gallery, loving husband Alex, and adorable 2 year old son Lennox; but the...
Dear Best Friend
"A Miami Tail" is a contemporary version of Lysistrata, a classic Greek comedy by Aristophanes. "A Miami Tail" has Alicia (Trina) leading the women...
A Miami Tail
An intimate look at the evolution and impact of women emcees and rappers, told by the trailblazing artists who helped create a musical and cultural...
The Real Queens of Hip Hop: The Women Who Changed the Game
Ava DuVernay focuses on the history of female MCs in the hip hop industry in this short documentary that features Missy Elliott, Salt-N-Pepa, Eve,...
My Mic Sounds Nice: A Truth About Women and Hip Hop
Taking its cue from the successful American Pie franchise, Dale Steely's sex comedy Sweet Potato Pie follows the exploits of three friends named...
Sweet Potato Pie
Snoop stars as a grocery clerk named Cordé Christopher, a young and magnetic man, subject to keen female interest. He becomes a...
Boss'n Up