This delicately-rendered live action narrative follows the story of a ten-year-old boy and budding entomologist named Juozapas, who was born with his...
A Butterfly's Heart
Provincial girl tries to understand and get in touch with world of a big town. With world that suddenly shows unpredictable dark sides of its own.
Anarchy Girls
On the verge of retirement, Commissioner Gintas must undertake the investigation of a series of heinous murders, a dangerous task that could expose...
The Generation of Evil
The film is based on the novel by Romualdas Granauskas, winner of the Lithuanian National Cultural and Arts Award, and is the chronicle of a young...
Marius, already in his thirties, still works at the same position for many years. Boring life, colleagues that ignore him, and no friends – mum...
A well-known fashion magazine editor, an outspoken male chauvinist, is forced to reconsider his point of view when one morning he wakes up as a woman.
What Men Don't Know
Four Lithuania's founding fathers suddenly come back to life 100 years later after signing Lithuania's declaration of independence. Now it's stored...
The Return of Independence
Movie inspired by classical story "Kunigo naudą velniai gaudo" by Lithuanian writer Žemaitė. Written in 1903 story reborn in cinemas...
Kunigo naudą velniai gaudo
A nearly-suicidal, young woman visits a psychotherapist. She is in love with a priest, and the diagnosis of her husband's mental illness leaves no...
Whisper of Sin
A young man's confusion in present times. The protagonist is looking for answers to questions that are relevant to many of his peers, coming of age...
Non-Present Time
Selling the homestead can be painflully difficult. The hero is forced to confront the past when she tries to complete the sale of her...
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