Featuring the only footage Zappa cut together from his legendary 1973 Roxy concerts, "Cheepnis" sings the praises of low-budget monster movies. This...
Frank Zappa: The Present-Day Composer Refuses To Die is a 2000 documentary about Frank Zappa.
Frank Zappa: The Present-Day Composer Refuses To Die
Frank Zappa: Phase Two is a 2002 documentary about Frank Zappa. It features a lot of footage from Scheffer's previous film, but new material from...
Frank Zappa: Phase II - The Big Note
This episode focuses on Zappa's early 70s albums, Overnight Sensation (1973) and Apostrophy (') (1974). Together they encapsulate Zappa's...
Classic Albums: Frank Zappa - Apostrophe (') Over-Nite Sensation
With the help of more than 10,000 dedicated Zappa fans, this is the long-awaited definitive documentary project of Alex Winter documenting the life...
Utilizing potent TV interviews and many forgotten performances from his 30-year career, we are immersed into Frank Zappa’s world while...
Eat That Question: Frank Zappa in His Own Words
Band from Utopia A Tribute to the Music of Frank Zappa review This tribute to the music of Frank Zappa was recorded live at Jazzopen, Stuttgart,...
Band from Utopia: A Tribute to the Music of Frank Zappa