In a dystopian future, an Australian-Iraqi woman held captive in a chaotic and brutal British immigration detention centre takes up severe measures...
Get to the Wire
Explosions; a silent film set to a piece of classical music, observes an ethereal happening, as the inhabitants of a semi-industrial suburb...
An independent Australian horror/drama that explores the societal norms that break down among a small group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world....
A five-year-old Indian boy gets lost on the streets of Calcutta, thousands of kilometers from home. He survives many challenges before being adopted...
As a young couple struggle with the demands of life with a new baby, they plow forward on production for their latest self-funded independent feature...
Maybe Tomorrow
Lesbian mumblecore drama So Long follows two women as they grapple with their post-breakup lives. Kicking off at the point of relationship meltdown,...
So Long
In the aftermath of Australia's marriage equality marches, a young queer woman has her date interrupted by a homeless man after accidentally dropping...
One Dollar