After deciphering a message found in a satellite, genius cryptographer Alex Jacobs finds himself being stalked by government agents and otherworldly...
Alien Code
A grieving mother transforms herself into a vigilante following the murders of her husband and daughter, eluding the authorities to deliver her own...
Set in a world where homosexuality is the norm, a small Indiana town is rocked to its core when Jude, the star quarterback of the local university...
Love Is All You Need?
Shattered is a story based on true events about family betrayal, love lost, and a dark destructive secret that swirls around a high powered political...
Upon graduating college, a brokenhearted aspiring writer, without a dime or connections, packs his bags and heads to Los Angeles in the hopes of...
Locating Silver Lake
After a terrible car crash in which his son dies, a brilliant surgeon becomes prey to unbearable physical pain, and it can only be eased by the taste...
Thirteen-year-old Sprout Grady grows convinced that a monster is haunting the nearby woods. Embarking on a mission to vanquish it, she uncovers...
Between the Darkness
When their quiet beach town is invaded by a mysterious threat, five kids - a gamer, comic book geek, inventor, skater and martial artist - must band...
Adventure Force 5
Travis plans the perfect romantic getaway to propose to longtime love Lena. As the carefully orchestrated weekend comically fails to go as planned,...
How Not to Propose