When his over-protective parents pass away, friendless recluse John Cunliffe discovers their land to be extremely valuable, and he is forced to...
Set against a backdrop of a turbulent, war-torn Ireland in the early 1920s, this is a story of three people and the unfolding events from a crucial...
A Nightingale Falling
Follow the mythic journey of Paul Atreides as he unites with Chani and the Fremen while on a path of revenge against the conspirators who destroyed...
Dune: Part Two
A woman's body is found under the waters of a lake in the countryside, and the arrival of a Detective from Dublin is the last thing Peggy, the owner...
Writers and historians including Hilary Mantel and Philippa Gregory revisit the last days of Anne Boleyn, who in 1536 became the first queen in...
The Last Days of Anne Boleyn
The story of the struggle for the women's vote is much more than just the account of the exploits of Emmeline Pankhurst or the tragic fate of Emily...
Suffragettes, with Lucy Worsley
Larry and Sophie are in love. They bribe Tom to book them into a hotel for an afternoon's tryst and look forward to getting to know each other, like...
Two ten year-old boys are detained by police under suspicion of abducting and murdering a toddler.
To help her mother regain her joie de vivre after breast cancer, Aisling sets her up on what she hopes will be the perfect date. But when the date...
The Yellow Dress
An autistic boy's world is thrown into chaos as he searches for his mother.
Care worker Shoo, who is haunted by a personal tragedy, is sent to a remote village to care for an agoraphobic woman, who fears both her neighbours...