This modern western depicting juvenile crime takes as its theme the struggle of an individual against a vicious circle of violence. The spiral of...
Too Tired to Hate
Berta's sister Helena has gone missing and there is little hope of finding her. Berta visits the morgue, where she views several bodies, each with...
The Lion Blanket
"The Choice" is inspired by a true story that took place in Narva in the late 90s and tells the story of a young border guard Inna who has to choose...
Living alone in an Estonian slum and unable to afford basic needs, a top high school student reluctantly enters the drug game to make ends meet.
I Was Here
Three friends return from a vacation and discover that the TV studio they work for has gone bankrupt - so they decide to start their own costume...
Shop of Dreams
The events of the war in 1944, from the Blue Hills to Sõrve Peninsula. Shown through the eyes of Estonian soldiers who had to pick sides and...
How would a clown react if he felt threatened? The problems between Beto and his father are settled on the circus stage. Eno is a Circus's clan...
Feetless Shoes
A woman’s voice can silence injustice, lower weapons and stop trains. In this opera-western, the question is whether Ada can hit the right note...
3rd Octave F
A blind choreographer returns to the rehearsal room after years away. Dealing at the same time with the gradual loss of her visual memory, she must...
Despite a comprehensive security camera system and efficient airport security checks, a group of activists succeed in their diabolical plan.
Luna Rossa
Romantic country boy Lembo lives in a far away village, where men are drunkards and women are dreaming about the bright city life. Lembo has fallen...
The Last Romeo
An anthology of bizarre, fantastic and spooky tales from the past, present and future, dealing with curses, witches, perfect crime and science...
Eerie Fairy Tales
Following the rumors of illegal experiments, two investigators visit a forgotten Nazi research center, which supposedly hides an UFO. Why has...