While planet Earth poises on the brink of nuclear self-destruction, a team of Russian and American scientists aboard the Leonov hurtles to a...
Middle schooler Ben spends his free time watching sci-fi films, playing video games and reading comic books. Surprisingly, his affinity for all...
Jack and Caroline are a couple making a decent living when Jack suddenly loses his job. They agree that he should stay at home and look after the...
Mr. Mom
“Soldier of God” A film by W. D. Hogan From The New York Times Director W. D. Hogan‘s sweeping period epic “Soldier of...
Soldier of God
A social worker starts working with a shy, withdrawn 6 year old whom she believes is the victim of sexual abuse.
Child's Cry
Twenty years ago, seven superstar artists left Marvel Comics to create their own company, Image Comics, a company that continues to influence...
The Image Revolution
Warren Ellis: Captured Ghosts is a feature-length documentary that takes an in depth look at the life, career and mind of the British comic book...
Warren Ellis: Captured Ghosts
Four estranged friends reunite and spend the night in a remote country house that was once home to a Manson Family like cult. As the night goes on,...
House of Demons