During the 1947 partition of Bengal, a man and a woman cross a river to begin life anew. Their journey manifests many roles against the backdrop of...
The Name of a River
In the world of Haami, there's no anger, rivalry, talking bad, feeling low; there's only joy uninterrupted. The sequel focuses on reality television...
Haami 2
Arko was a cricketer. He was an outstanding bowler and had also played for Bengal Cricket Team. Unfortunately, a torn ligament and a blotched-up...
Shiboprosad Mukherjee, Srabanti Chatterjee and Rakhi Gulzar.
Aamar Boss
Muktodhara is a 2012 Bengali film directed by Shiboprosad Mukherjee and Nandita Roy.This is a story of about the prisoners of a correctional home...
On her way home the newlywed Romita is molested by five men. The only one who has the courage to help is the young female teacher Jhinuk. Because of...
Mitali was a worried mother. This time, once again, her 5 year old son Gogol had failed to pass the admission test in a reputed school. Mitali was...
A mysterious dacoit is on the run. A supercop gets involved with him in a cat and mouse chase. A Puja release by Nandita Roy and Shiboprosad...
It is a story of real & simple friendship between two lower primary school student; Bhutu (Broto Banerjee), son of soon-grown-up-rich businessman...
Set in the Bengali Renaissance of the 1930s and 1940s. A group of young intellectuals get embroiled in the struggle for Indian independence,...
Char Adhyay
Arjun Mallik is a popular RJ who is not only famous but well-loved. His listeners connect with him personally and his voice is music to their ears....
A young musician and a fatso model have the same dream together, and they meet and fall in love at a bookstore. When their relationship starts to...
Jaani Dekha Hobe