Set at the turn of the century, this is the tale of Ellen Rimbauer who just received this mysterious mansion as a wedding gift from her new husband...
The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer
Set against the backdrop of a post-Apocalypse Earth, Population 2 is about a relationship that ends in tragedy forcing a woman to struggle in the...
Population 2
Les McCubbin spent his whole life in his twin brother Addison's shadow. When Addison severs their psychic connection, Les doesn't just lose his...
Losing Addison
A young nurse working in a mental institution forms a risky friendship with a patient that shares a similar condition to her lost brother.
Red Wine Drive
Caroline Landry's husband has a sudden mid-life crisis and their idealistic 20-year marriage breaks apart when he leaves her for a younger woman....
Love and Betrayal
Teenagers living in small-town Oregon take a boat trip for a birthday celebration. When they get an idea to play a mean trick on the town bully, it...
Mean Creek
A coming of age drama about the lives of teenagers in high school and the hardships some of them face growing up.
The Standard
A shy butterfly expert embarks on a dangerous, life-changing trek through one of America’s greatest unprotected wildlands at the urging of his...
The Dark Divide
A recently widowed traveler is kidnapped by a cold blooded killer, only to escape into the wilderness where she is forced to battle against the...
Working-class father John Crowley is finally on the fast track to corporate success when his two young children are diagnosed with Pompe...
Extraordinary Measures