A uniquely funny movie about the personally unusual lives of background extras as they trudge through an often ironically painful life as the...
The E-Listers
“Lanier” is inspired by the true events of Oscarville, Georgia, and the story of a detective who’s forced to come to a realization...
US Army Sergeant Jason Pate returns home after three tours of duty in Afghanistan. The battles he has endured have led to minor injuries to his body,...
Out of the Fight
Alexis "Lexi" James, a little girl who grows up battling sexual, physical and emotional abuse at the hands of her caretaker (a former cop), strives...
The Empty Walls
For Lily Deckert, what first seems innocent becomes a possessive nightmare as the supernatural lurks within until it’s cast out of her.
Sadistic: The Exorcism Of Lily Deckert