This science fiction horror film depicts a heroine who is turned into a vampire as a victim of a government that plans the absolute subjugation of...
God's Blood
Ryo Shinkai escapes deep into the forest with a large sum of money. Deeply wounded, he arrives at a Western-style house. Fukami receives medical...
Cannibal Family
Two elementary schoolchilden Misaki and Hitomi had fallen into a coma. Ten years after, They awake. They have a memory that they had been attacked by...
Hikiko-san vs. Kuchisake-onna
According to an urban legend, a girl named Hikiko Mori was taunted and bullied relentlessly by her classmates, eventually resulting in her accidental...
Scream Girls
In 2009, the corpse of a young woman was found in her apartment. After it was determined by police that she had committed suicide, several others...
Spiritual Secretly Filmed Video: The Cursed Viewing Party