The story of a young black man, Héracles, who after being released from a juvenile institution, tries to apply for his first honest job as a...
The Twelve Labours
This is the story of Vicente, a successful, married, economist with a nine-year-old son. It also tells the story of Antônio, the same man,...
Between Valleys
Bernadinho and Pedro are students and face the classic tasks of fulfilling school obligations, taking good grades, being well behaved and complying...
Como Se Tornar o Pior Aluno da Escola
Eric is an actor who's a jack-of-all-trades all the time, but almost never acts. He auditions all the time, but is never called back.
Neto is a middle class teenager living a normal life. After his father finds a marijuana cigarette on his pocket, he is sent to a mental institution,...
December, the 25th. A hanged up man tries to remember the previous night's events of a Christmas's Dinner. He asks his wife what he did and what he...