Fusing comedic and dramatic elements, "The Pit" is a fun, stylish and entertaining portrayal of early twenty-somethings in Bushwick. Inspired by such...
The Pit
Twentysomething Brooklynites Mara and Jo have been close friends since middle school. Gradually, it becomes apparent that the increasingly unstable...
Residents of a suburban community enjoy a night at home with their friends and family, while an ominous threat looms just outside their doors.
The Dark End of the Street
After burning out in the city, Will Shipe is summoned back home where he uncovers dark truths about his family and the town he grew up in.
Union Bridge
Rob and Pat, middle-aged best buddies and local irritants, scheme to influence the outcome of a Little League game by kidnapping the star player.
A weekend of healing for Dennis and Mia becomes a hallucinatory nightmare when Dennis' estranged brother arrives and begins to distort their sense of...
To the Moon