A Thai comedy that revolves around a boxing gym that`s about to close down due to financial strains. The owner is trying his best to save it, even...
Boxing Sangkran
Set in the 1930s, the story recounts the growing pains of Jan, whose mother dies while giving birth to him and who’s intensely hated by his...
Jan Dara: The Beginning
Tas Rak Asoon is a classic love-hate drama in the vein of veteran director Pisarn Akarasenee, which Mum has made in his own, slapstick way. Sporting...
Love Slave
Emo Gurram Egaravachu is a 2013 Telugu romantic comedy directed by Chandra Siddhartha. It is also known by its abbreviation EGE. It features Sumanth...
Emo Gurram Egaravachu
Jan Dara returns to Bangkok to take revenge against Wisnan, the man who has made his life a living hell. The fire of vengeance consumes him to such...
Jan Dara: The Finale
A love affair between a high-school boy and a beautiful girl sets off a battle between students at two colleges. The fight causes too many people to...
The Rascals
"Kumarn" tells a story of Ging who takes her son for a vacation in a forest. One night, a stranger break into her house and kidnaps her son. Ging...
Five teenagers on the run from police officers hide in a train carriage. However, its occupants are ghosts on their way to hell and they intend to...
Train of the Dead
The Room Room / Tricked / Her is Project Movie 3 of the third story is consistent with the Green Sonata. The first composer to the Royal School...
The Rooms
Filmed in documentary style, Daughter is the story of four girls who face family problems and turn to heavy drug use in order to cope with their sad...
Formerly a troubled youth, a monk is given charge of a Buddhist temple that is neglected by superstitious villagers who are under the spell of a fake...
The Holy Man
Taew and friends are invited to a mansion which the mansion owner is choosing the new landlord. To win the mansion award, they have to dress up in...
Oh My Ghost 6
Joy is the new maid of a royal house, whose previous maid disappeared under mysterious circumstances and is now haunting and terrorizing the family....
The Maid