Based on a folk tale by legendary writer Vijaydan Detha, this love story is set in Rajasthan’s Thar Desert. A group of conservative women on...
The Honour Keeper
The sudden reappearance of the young Vera in a coastal village makes Jordi decide to undertake the search for his father, who has been presumed dead...
The Uncovering
When a psychiatric session turns into a nightmare for Victor, a chronically constipated former corporate filmmaker, he is transported inside his mind...
The Throne of Cloacina
B. A. Pass 2 is the story of a young girl, who, in order to achieve her goals and to avoid marriage, makes a few wrong decisions and adopts ill...
B. A. Pass 2
A simple mistake at a new year's eve gathering puts age-old friendships to test, as a baby's life hangs in the balance. Can it ever be that there is...