A documentary film crew follows an Iranian woman, a doctor who is living under political house arrest. Inviting journalists into her home to share...
This Is Not a Doc
Persecuted and hunted by Christianizing forces, young Deirdre and her clan eke out an itinerant existence in the forest. When the threat grows more...
When the Moon Returns
The story of a a trans man and a hijabi who unite as adults to rekindle their tragic teenage romance.
Queer Khalifa
Spark is set in a future where fire is banned, clean air is precious, and an over-protective society fears the natural disasters of the past. Young...
A mysterious young woman materializes in the middle of the southwestern desert, where each step teaches her about her new world and her new body. As...
Imitation Girl
Claire struggles as the shock of her father's suicide ripples through her small Quaker community. Desperate to reunite with the only person who...
The World Drops Dead