The film revolves around three Arab girls who travel to France, in search of the freedom they lost in the Arab countries from which they came, each...
Searching For Freedom
During a reception organized on the occasion of Ghita's 44th anniversary, friends and family members of Said and Ghita will be confronted with...
The Birthday
In the Holy Land, the Roman occupation has produced a cauldron of oppression, anxiety and excessive taxes levied upon the Jewish people. Fearing the...
Son of God
A journalist is about to settle with his girlfriend when his life and views get shaken up by the young and beautiful Pakistani refugee Nadia. At work...
Cut Loose
Latif Lalouh's drama Samira's Garden concerns a woman who begins a forbidden sexual affair with her husband's nephew after her husband becomes...
Les jardins de Samira
A thief falls in love with a cop,and gets caught while searching for a Pharaonic treasure. The Intelligence service recruits him to do a special...
Ashraf, The Thief