Twenty year-old Julius Caesar flees Rome for his life during the reign of Sulla but through skill and ambition rises four decades later to become...
Julius Caesar
After his father's death, a middle-aged screenwriter struggles with his obsessions and neuroses.
Dark Illness
What is love? In how many forms can it manifest itself? 14 short episodes about love, spanning generations of lovers...to answer.
Traces of an Amorous Life
In many small episodes, various characters represent the typical vices and comedy of Italian society in early 2000.
The Jokes
John and Beatrice are a Fresh young wedding couple: he aims a brilliant career in the hotel A dove Works Company, she leads with ease of Success A...
Attesa e cambiamenti
Si fa presto a dire amore...
In 1838 in the kingdom of Naples and the Two Sicilies, Malacarne, gamekeeper of Baron San Germano, kills the bandit Caruso, whose widow gives birth...
Bandits: Love and Liberty