A heart-warming comedy about Owen Dietz and his three virtual friends Rishi Rao, Jeff Pants, and the mysterious "MoBu" who meet up in the real world...
I Think My Facebook Friend Is Dead
De multi culti story
A scientist injects his lesbian best friend with a compound he's created to make her stop cheating on her wife (who is bi), but when the wife finds...
Advanced Chemistry
Four friends hit the road to LA to compete in the Cyberbowl Video Game Championship, but will they be able to compete with the worst hangovers of...
When her husband is sentenced to eight years in prison, Ruby drops out of medical school in order to focus on her husband's well-being while he's...
Middle of Nowhere
When Aidan, an agnostic psychiatrist, is turned away from his grieving wife by a mysterious temptress, he discovers their story may be eons in the...
Hell Hath No Fury