The puppy love of two teenagers is set against a backdrop of adults struggling with their own lives. As a couple in love, they don't care about...
A Swedish Love Story
Follows Roy Andersson around different film festivals as he tries to launch his new film "Songs from the Second Floor" mixed with interviews with...
You Do the Best You Can
An objective, fictional and completely true account of when the Sockerdricka rush wears off and our most beloved characters have to grow up. We meet...
Fiktiv granskning - En grävande historia
Young Henning and his friends are struggling to stay alive in 19th century Stockholm, where he has ended up in search of employment. In the harsh...
City of My Dreams
Small and short Frida lives with her long, tall friend in a house in the countryside. Frida rejects the idea that people who have committed crimes...
Release the Prisoners to Spring
A drama unfolds during a few spring days in a small Swedish town in the 1950s. Guy study hard at school, but wins no appreciation from his father....
Hempas Bar
Investigating journalist Jimmy Olsson wants to find out what happened to Pippi Longstocking after we left her in her childhood. How was her teens and...
Whatever Happened to Ms Longstocking