The film revolves around the concept of soap opera. Its structure is based on the assumption that Chilean reality does not exist, but rather is an...
The Wandering Soap Opera
Olguita and Osvaldo are planning to get married, but she imposes only one condition for this to happen: she must own at least one property from...
Historia de un roble solo
Valeria has decided to make a study about low-income women as her university thesis. The town priest recommends her as subject a hard-working woman...
Dos mujeres de la ciudad
The journey of a retired music teacher who witnesses the detention of a former student by the security agencies of dictatorship. This strong...
VI A 1965
An aged former sailor, ill and confined in his bed, maintains his firm grip on his house and his son, who is having an affair with the widowed next...
The Moon in the Mirror
A family obsessed with their recent acquisition of a huge color television, postpones the health of one of their daughters. While they worry about...
Cuestión de ubicación
"Dinamita" Araya is living the crudeness of normality in an uneventful life since he retired from boxing. A chance encounter with a woman brings him...
El otro round
In the late 1980s, a politically neutral photographer in Pinochet's Chile is still struggling to come to terms with the "disappearance" of his...
Latent Image
An architect witness the brutal massacre by the police of an anti-government meeting and escapes to a remote archipelago.
Action-adventure set in a world of the near-future, where young love is forbidden among the lower classes. Nevertheless, one couple defies their...
The Lawless Land