Seven young men who played soccer together since their early youth grow apart and are forced to think about the nature of their friendship. In a...
All Stars
Merel, a single midwife, is done with men, but her biological clock is ticking inexorably. And yes, she gets pregnant. However, the whole family...
Zwanger & Co
Het is het einde van het schooljaar, ook voor de rangers van de dierentuin. Maar...niet voor lang: de rangers gaan via een uitwisselingsprogramma...
Zoop in Afrika
De rangers uit Ouwehands Dierenpark worden gevraagd om de bijzonder zeldzame De Loro-vlinderpopulatie te redden voordat deze uit hun cocons kruipen...
Zoop in Zuid-Amerika
Brenda, Laura, Ruben and Willem meet each other at an uneasy therapy session. The unconventional therapist (Pamela Tevis) tells them they only have...
48 Minutes
Chiel and Linda travel to Sweden with their kids for a vacation. They want to go back to nature for a digital detox, especially for their son Bruno...
Linde has a job on the side as a chambermaid in a luxury hotel. Her seventeenth birthday seems a day like any other at the hotel, until she hears...
Kamer 330
In All Stars 2 Old Stars, the unexpected wedding of one of the boys means they treat themselves to an ‘old-fashioned training camp’ in...
All Stars 2: Old Stars
A young gay hustler from South Wales, Dafydd is working in Amsterdam where he meets David, a music lecturer also from Wales. Two kindred spirits in a...