An alien slave crash-lands in New York City while being pursued by two Men in Black bounty hunters. His attempt to find a place for himself on Earth...
The Brother from Another Planet
Mick O'Brien is a young Chicago street thug torn between a life of petty crime and the love of his girlfriend. But when the heist of a local drug...
Bad Boys
Sigmund Freud's ghost advises a married New York psychiatrist in love with a patient.
Inspired by the exploits of New York's Guardian Angels, which began as a band of streetwise young people who formed an anti-crime subway patrol and...
We're Fighting Back
A chronicle of the lives of several teenagers who attend a New York high school for students gifted in the performing arts.
Brantley Foster, a well-educated kid from Kansas, has always dreamed of making it big in New York, but once in New York, he learns that jobs - and...
The Secret of My Success