While an opulent Dashain arrives at Hakimsaab's house, Bhaire, his neighbor and employee, struggles to afford even the basic necessities for his...
Madan Krishna Shrestha buys and wins a house in a lottery which he purchased from the one rupee coin that Hari Bansha Acharya dropped, just to find...
A widowed father of two sons finds love at an old age and struggles as his sons and the society disapprove of his relation.
Mahajatra unfolds the gripping tale of three men, bound by a tumultuous past, entrusted with the clandestine duty of concealing illicit funds. The...
Comedy romance film
Ma Yesto Geet Gaauchu
The king is happily living in his country with his family. The ups and downs in his marital life will increase and he will have to leave the country....
Chhakka Panja 5