Based on a folk tale by legendary writer Vijaydan Detha, this love story is set in Rajasthan’s Thar Desert. A group of conservative women on...
The Honour Keeper
The film is set in a modern day 'Berlin Republic' liberated from all irrelevancies. It's about artistic production, the creative industries and above...
Asta Upset
Somewhere between fantasy, trauma, paranoia, precaution, and the promise of a burger, a night gets catapulted into an investigation of child abuse at...
Nocturnal Burger
The anthology film showcases three independent stories that capture the experience of small Indian towns and villages where people take incredible...
On holiday from boarding school, young Ishvaku is fascinated by the bedtime story his mother relates to him—that of the warrior Ashwatthama,...
A series of three episodes which explore the relationship between men, women and the physical and mental spaces they inhabit.
The Man's Woman and Other Stories
When her father is killed in a road accident, Trishna's family expect her to provide for them. The rich son of an entrepreneur starts to restlessly...
Zindagi tumse
National Award winning Movie
Bhulan The Maze