Torn between toxic marriages, Narendra, a renowned actor, and his co-star Parvathi fall in love and desire escape, freedom, and a peaceful life...
Malli Pelli
An aspiring young director, Rajesh struggles to shoot his debut film in the small village of Kalapuram. Cheated by a group of scamsters, will he be...
Four people from different stratum of society hire a sharing cab but when they reach their destination, a series of perplexing events take place. But...
Mohan Rao and his elder brother face Pedda Shavukar and Chinna Shavukar, a political battle where low caste fights the high caste power.
Palasa 1978
A story of a girl who has a happy childhood but circumstances trap her into prostitution. How her life changes to prostitution and what helps here...