A journey of years through many countries and film festivals; a nostalgic, adrenaline-fueled and rock-spirited immersion into the universe of...
Cult of Terror
A short film inspired by Austin Osman Spare’s first book released on DVD by Fulgur Limited. The film was produced in Argentina by Mor Navon and...
Tierra: Infierno
One day a mysterious lady appears at Detective Henry Chandler's office who wants to know everything related to the Froggy, an extraterrestrial race...
Krona 3 the Froggy Case
Psychotic serial killer Mr. Kidnap uses a video store as a front for his human slaughterhouse, mutilating his victims with some help from his...
Mondo Psycho
A peculiar, meticulous, vocationally archeological account of the professional life of the actor, Spanish by birth, Argentinean by adoption, Narciso...
Nadie inquietó más
A remake of the 1943 film of the same name.
In a dreamlike Buenos Aires, Gay crusing is assimilated to vampire culture.
The Name of All the Animals