A group of people gather in the California desert to watch a "film" set in the late 1990s featuring a sentient, homicidal car tire named Robert. The...
During the three weeks of Justice's March 2008 North American tour, Romain Gavras, So Me and the band themselves tape every second of what can happen...
A Cross the Universe
Daft Punk Unchained is the first film about the pop culture phenomenon that is Daft Punk, the duo with 12 million albums sold worldwide and seven...
Daft Punk Unchained
Louis just found the corpse of a man in front of his apartment building. Taken in for custody by Captain Buron, he finds himself on the wrong end of...
Keep an Eye Out
A look into the life of Laurent Garnier, one of the godfathers of house music, from his emergence on the music scene in the 80's to now. The story of...
Laurent Garnier: Off the Record