Území strachu
Cirkus Maximum
A funny animated movie based on the classic Czech tales and legend of a young clockmaker, and his jealous friend, a wisecracking Goat.
Goat Story
Defenestrace 1618
O třech stříbrných hřebenech
Kamarád do deště II: Příběh z Brooklynu
O loupežníku Olbramovi
Adolescence is always a difficult time; it is doubly so for Gábina. For one thing, she is growing up in the normalization years of the 1970s,...
An Earthly Paradise for the Eyes
The full-length television documentary, using currently found audio-visual records, tells the story of the fabricated political process from November...
České stopy na březích Amazonky
Známi neznámi
The little mermaid rescues a prince from drowning and falls in love with him. To be with him, she makes a deal with the evil sorceress: her beautiful...
The Little Mermaid
Citlivá místa
Lancelot a Alexandrína
The Magpie in the Wisp
O království z nudlí a štěstí bez konce
Tři srdce
Nikola Šuhaj loupežník
The Ro(c)k con Artists
Hora jménem Andělská
A couple embark on an early vacation. Left alone, their children cut loose until the boy gets caught for skipping school and things take an...
Family Film
Vražda kočky domácí
Andrej, a programmer, is developing his smart house project. To perfect his program, he moved with his wife Zuzana to a test house. He strives to...
Intimate Enemy
O Ječmínkovi
Špindl 2
Pátek čtrnáctého
A team of detectives bumbles and fumbles their way through an investigation that involves murder, blackmail and possibly someone they know.
The Case of the Dead Deadman
Bitva o Ostravsko 1945
Poslední útěk Jeronýma Pražského
Hry lásky šálivé
Runway 06-24
Poslední zastávka smrt
Jako letní sníh – Život J. A. Komenského
Rubínová pohádka
Magie Venezuely
Jan Hus – Cesta bez návratu
Ďáblova sbírka