After years of outrunning ruthless bounty hunters, escaped convict Riddick suddenly finds himself caught between opposing forces in a fight for the...
The Chronicles of Riddick
A teenage girl determined to discover what happened to her missing mom finds herself face to face with a deranged serial killer that was mistakenly...
A young woman gets caught up in the plans of a coven of vampires fighting to free themselves from their master.
Blood Angels
Comedy short
Suite 48
Alejandro 'Ale' Villacaño is a young associate lawyer who has landed a job at a prestigious law firm. Even though he was top of his class, he...
A psychological thriller set in the world of the black market human organ trade.
The Harvest Project
In Seattle, detective Quentin Conners is unfairly suspended and his partner Jason York leaves the police force after a tragic shooting on Pearl...
Top special agent Lucinda Kavsky works for a secret part of the CIA. She's given a special assignment but then set up by her own agency.
The Serpent