Joshua and Penelope are survivors of a deadly infection that laid waste to humanity 25 years ago. When they encounter fellow survivor Abira, their...
When two Producers are threatened by their boss to make a successful movie, they turn to the only solution they can think of. Kill an actor - movie...
Bullet Ride
Writer Sam is thrust into the role of director at a local theater after her predecessor gets fired. Barely making it through each rehearsal, Sam...
First Time Female Director
Lost in the memories of his past, a young man struggles to decide whether or not his withering long-distance relationship is worth the fight.
Two Days in February
A road movie on a bicycle. Jasper leaves an alley cat race and goes on a physical and spiritual journey on her bike, through Chicago's nighttime...
The Alley Cat
Dead Girls is a horror anthology featuring three stories of terror connected through the pages of dead girls' diaries, which chronicle each girl's...
Dead Girls
Unable to maintain a healthy, faithful relationship, twenty-five year old Brooke Miller sets out on a journey to find out why she cannot stop...
Beautiful Brooke