30-year-old Pong, a single father struggling to look after, and be a role model for, his 7-year-old daughter. Chaos ensues when Pong and his friends...
The One Ticket
When a spirit inhabits the body of a teen named Min, he begins to settle into his life until he's forced to find out who caused Min's mysterious...
Today is Jay’s 30th birthday. What should be the best day of her life turns into a nightmare. Jay, a top TV sports announcer, is fired from...
Love sucks
When a dedicated rescue worker inadvertently gets caught up in the kidnapping plot of a mogul's tween daughter, he must save her from the clutches of...
Bangkok Breaking: Heaven and Hell
The movie centers on a young hipster girl who loves to party. One day, she has to deal with taking care of naughty niece that she has never met...
Present Perfect
As May's heart rate rises, she emits electricity. When she falls for the school heartthrob, she enlists the help of Pong, who has a crush of his own.
May Who?