The early life and struggles of Judy Garland (portrayed by Andrea McArdle), and of the film star's trials as a youngster in dealing with the movie...
A Bronx working girl is drawn into an elaborate extortion plot after being kidnapped by a gang of sophisticated con men who force her, because of her...
What's a Nice Girl Like You...?
After three civil-rights workers are murdered in Mississippi in 1964, a team of FBI agents is sent there to find the killers.
Attack on Terror: The FBI vs. the Ku Klux Klan
The Valet (Manuel Rosón) enters a hotel room with Joseph Garcin (Morgan Sterne) in tow. The windowless room has a single entrance and no...
No Exit
A boy is coerced into a murder plot to kill his step-dad, unaware that the conspirator is his real father.
Nine Miles to Noon
A doctor uncovers a hotbed of corruption when he tries to clear a colleague of a murder charge.
The Carey Treatment
D.A. Paul Ryan doesn't buy self-defense when a pharmacist fatally shoots an armed robber and brings the man up on manslaughter charges, for which...
The D.A.: Conspiracy to Kill
Detective Ellery Queen has to solve a series of murders where the victims were killed in numerically descending ages, the male victims were strangled...
Ellery Queen: Don't Look Behind You