For selfish and petty gains, the village head enlists the help of the medicine man to conjure a toyol (child spirit) for him to own. However, the...
Mat Toyol
In a kingdom called Pura Cendana, the ruler Raja Alam Syahbana and the queen decided to adopt a son when they could not have any child of their own....
Musang Berjanggut
Three friends want to become warriors. Ramli, Aziz, and Sudin seek to learn Silat from an expert, Pendekar Mustar. Mustar's daughter, Ros, the...
Pendekar Bujang Lapok
Kassim is living with his brother and sister-in-law when he finds out he is about to inherit all his family's wealth. Kassim, a young man who prefers...
El Kalaa, a village in southern Oran. Although already married, old Sidi planned to marry another. He sets his sights on the beautiful Aïssa,...
The Citadel
Fatimah been force to marry with Ismail to pay his brother debt. Will Fatiimah leave his lover Ismail?
Putus Harapan