Miu Kam-fung, who plays the film’s titular character, addresses her identity as housewife and actress in Patrick Tam’s commentary on the...
Seven Women: Miu Kam-Fung
The second episode of the Hong Kong reclaimed “Social Worker” series (1976)
Social Worker: "Boy"
Cheung, a 23-year-old unmarried travelling scholar, stops by the monastery, where he sees a beautiful woman. Against the rules, Monk Faben allows...
Romance of the West Chamber
Cantonese adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's novel Rebecca.
The Face of Fear
The soon-to-be Monk Talkative does his best to understand when Fairy Yeh explains what must be done. Rabbit spirits have escaped from the heavenly...
Erotic Ghost Story: Perfect Match
The Story Between Hong Kong and Macau