"The Prodigy" tells the story of small-time enforcer Truman Fisher's vicious conflict with a sadistic assassin who has chosen the unwilling Truman to...
The Prodigy
A scientist is testing a demonic drug on people in his secret lab. A cop and a female reporter try to stop him.
Necessary Evil
A married couple decides to test the boundaries of their relationship with a seductive Spanish woman. When an unlikely relationship ensues, all three...
Kiss Me Again
When undercover FBI agent Kevin Hawkins agrees to infiltrate the ruthless underground world of choppers, he is quickly thrown into a world of fast...
Crash and Burn
A father begins dating his 29-year-old daughter Emma's high school frenemy soon after his wife passes away. His daughter embarks on a mission to...
Christmas Is Canceled
When a maid is shot dead in the exclusive resort community of the Hamptons, private investigator Linus must play a dangerous game of cat and mouse...
If I Didn't Care
An Elf is left behind by Santa to help rescue the Harper family from a lousy Christmas. The Elf and the family get more than they bargained for, as...
In 1863, after seeing their mother and father massacred by a rough group of outlaws, two 10-year old identical twin brothers, Vance and Tom...
Hot Bath an' a Stiff Drink
Inner city kids from a poor neighborhood go up against the undefeated Beverly Hills Junior National Karate Team.
Underdog Kids
When Sara is served divorce papers while she is in New York, she is stunned. Not about to lose the fortune she amassed with her self-serving Texan...
Serving Sara
The only "normal" guy at a paranormal talk radio station quits his dream profession and takes a higher paying, but soul crushing job, to pay for his...
Roswell FM
A time-traveling Historian falls for a woman he learns is destined to become a victim of a series of terrorist bombings.
The Historian Paradox