Rosa goes to a local swimming pool, where her daughter is working as a lifeguard, in order to restore their relationship. The meeting will be special...
In the fall of 2004, Eric Bertrand, a 14 years , created a website inspired by "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" to defend the Catalan...
Fènix 11-23
A young publicist, with a successful professional life but with an empty personal life, finds himself on a trip against time to get to an important...
A boy realizes how will his life be in the present and future with or without his crush
The Swimmer
Sara is an overweight teen who lives in the shadow of a clique of cool girls holidaying in her village. Not even her childhood friend, Claudia,...
A young nurse begins her shift at an old city hospital. After a strange apparition one of the oldest nurse tells her that a patient, Mr. Moore,...
The Devil's Tail