In this lighthearted crime comedy, Nicolas is a Barcelona ice cream vendor who inadvertently helps a friend who has just committed a robbery. He is...
The Thief of Tibadabo
Animation film based in some stories of the better illustrators and humorists of Spain during the democratic transition, on seventies: Chumy Chumez,...
Stories of Love and Slaughter
Once Upon a Time, one of the first animated films made in Spain, is a free adaptation of the story Cinderella by Charles Perrault. It was directed by...
Once Upon a Time
An ex-prisoner tries to get his young son back on the straight and narrow.
Two boys are sent to reform school under the guidance of Father Fernando, a young and dedicated priest.
Souls in Danger
Ignacio, a professional footballer, has sentimental and labor problems. His girlfriend is about to abandon him because of the constant displays of...
Eleven Pairs of Boots
After committing a crime, four fugitives intend to cross the border just to find the roads are blocked.
Blocked paths
Los gamberros
El ángel está en la cumbre
Barcelona, Spain. A young man is murdered in the middle of the street in front of the police headquarters. Miguel and Marcial, two agents of the...
Post Office Box 1001
Mercado prohibido
Persecución en Madrid