Aboard a steamship sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in 1874, widower John Andrews delights the restless minds of his two children with a tale of...
The Hopeful
Claire (Alexandra Breckenridge), a savvy venture capitalist from New York City, escapes to a quaint town in Vermont for the holidays and becomes a...
Christmas Around the Corner
In 19th century New England, the lives of a diverse group of people collide through interweaving stories of despair, identity, faith, hope and trust.
Tell the World
When hotel event planner Rachel breaks up with her boyfriend John for cheating on her, she decides to go looking online for a new boyfriend. In the...
The Husband She Met Online
Four beautiful girls spend the weekend at a charming holiday cabin. But all is not how it seems. They quickly discover that maybe they are not alone.
Definition of Fear
Lucy Pierce grew up believing she had a normal childhood. Until, one day, she discovers old articles about the "Baby Victoria" disappearance - a...
Separated at Birth
After the Ball, a retail fairy tale set in the world of fashion. Kate's dream is to design for couturier houses. Although she is a bright new talent,...
After the Ball