Acclaimed director of Summer of Chirusoku, Half a Confession and Yunagi City, Sakura Country Kiyoshi Sasabe casts Rin Takanashi and Takumi Saitoh as...
The Sowing Traveller 3
Following the 2009 financial crash, Waseda University graduate Takeshi lost his job in Tokyo and retreated to his family home in Sendai. While he...
Love and the Grand Tug-of-war
Erika Shinohara is a first year of high school student. While talking to friends, she makes up a story about her "boyfriend." In reality, Erika...
Wolf Girl and Black Prince
Bakery employee Ichii Fumi holds a peculiar outlook on marriage: "I doubt anyone would love me forever, and I'm doubtful I can love someone forever."...
Our Blue Moment
Yaeko has taken care of her husband Seigo who has stomach cancer. Seigo goes through 4 surgeries, but survives. Yaeko is then diagnosed with...
Yaeko's Hum