Set against the backdrop of post-war Germany, the screen adaptation of Siegfried Lenz’s short story released in 1949 shows a snapshot in time...
Eleven-year-old outsider Stephan arrives at Castle Schreckenstein, an all-boys boarding school, where he learns about life within a community and...
Schreckenstein Castle
Thomas Wellmann is an electrical engineer at the municipal utilities in a small town and is replaced by an AI in his mid-50s. Then a prolonged power...
Blackout bei Wellmanns
On her 16th birthday, Gwendolyn Shepherd finds out that instead of her cousin, she has inherited a rare gene that allows her to travel through time.
Ruby Red
A german film about a rampage and the consequences in society.
Ein Jahr nach morgen
Sixteen-year-old Jann shields his mother Lina from the outside world in a system that has been established over the years. When Jann falls in love...
Wir für immer
Lilly's Bewitched Christmas
Schreckenstein Castle 2
Rosamunde Pilcher: Raus in den Sturm
He's not interested in horror films, instead he listens to classical music, quotes Latin idioms - and is on trial for murder. Did 13-year-old Martin,...
Little Murders