An inter-dimensional explorer named Le Door takes his young apprentice Frank on a tour through his old academy, only to enter a competition against...
Le Door
Set on Merry Walrus Eve, the story follows a seafaring penguin named Roofhowse who arrives at Club Penguin Island only to find himself wrapped up in...
We Wish You a Merry Walrus
Nick Daley is following in his father's footsteps as night watchman at the American Museum of Natural History, so he knows what happens when the sun...
Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again
Amid endless rain, environmental chaos and a society ruled by violence, a mother must protect her daughter from the external dangers of their...
Good Night June
It’s summer time on Club Penguin Island and resident party planner Jangrah has prepared the perfect “Surf ‘n’ Sno-cone”...
Club Penguin Monster Beach Party
A 9 year old boy uses two alien superphones to be a superhero.
Go! Go! Moba Boy!