In this documentary about the classic film "Serpico," Sidney Lumet and Martin Bregman discuss the logistics of production and post-production, as...
Inside 'Serpico'
In separate interviews about the classic film "Serpico," director Sidney Lumet and producer Martin Bregman discuss the genesis of the project, the...
Serpico: From Real to Reel
Documentary about American gangster movies.
Hollywood Gangster
A documentary about the making of "Carlito's Way."
The Making of 'Carlito's Way'
This all-new documentary presents "Scarface" as a unique phenomenon in cinema history. It explores how a film plagued by controversy leading up to...
The 'Scarface' Phenomenon
A 52-minute documentary on "Scarface," both the making of the film and its reception.
The Making of 'Scarface'
A documentary chronicling the making of the 1975 film "Dog Day Afternoon."
The Making of 'Dog Day Afternoon'